Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Luiz Maurina, Dyptich "The Fighter" 2011
Thumbnail Drawings of your IDEA & model names DUE:  Thursday 5.9.13
In-Class Photography Dates: Monday 5.13, Tuesday 5.14, Wednesday 5.15 & Thursday 5.16
IMAGES DUE: Friday May 17th 2013
Image from Richard Vantielicke Series

1. Read the artist statement & View the work of artist Richard Vantielcke below in your Major Assignments folder, or click on link - interactive images by Richard Vantielicke
Image from Richard Vantielicke Series
On Monday, May 13, you will be introduced to lighting studio techniques. Start formulating an idea, and choose your model or models. It does not have to be someone from our class. It can also be someone who has an elective this block. However, you may not pull people out of an academic class. You will have Monday 5.13.11- Thursday 5.16.13 to shoot this assignment. If you are absent and miss your day, you will still be responsible for the shoot, but not have the benefit of studio lighting. You will have to set up your own makeshift studio at home, with a sheet and a window for light. The specific days will be assigned, see assignment for shooting day hanging up in class.
A final diptych series (4 shots total, 2 pairs) in which one half of the diptych “interacts” with the other either by theme, movement, message or concept.DUE: Friday May 17th 2013 Save as Last_First_Dyptich1, Dyptich2, etc. in MAJOR folder.
Dave Kimelberg is a Boston-based photographer, lawyer and general creative-type photographing tatooed professionals proving, at the very least, you should not judge a book by it's cover.
Shubani Singh, Dyptich 2011

Elisa Sapolinick, Dyptich 2011

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