Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Art Show: Article

Now that you will experience first-hand what it takes to put on a successful art show. You are to write an article about your experiences. Your article should be at least 5 paragraphs in length, using Microsoft Word, utilizing columns as if it were a real newspaper article. Include a title, author's name, and captioned pictures. You MUST also comment on your favorite piece or artist in the show, include a photograph of their work, and any information you’ve got about the piece or their process, which means, you’ll have to talk to someone at the show. Get a quote from the artist and critique their work in your article. You must critique a piece, ANY WORK OF ART. In order to do a proper critique you must know the Name, Grade, Medium, and Title of the artwork. For example “ Eleventh grader John Smith’s interpretation of the cast from Dark Knight showed amazingly in a dark and ominous watercolor painting that hung over the entrance to the art show…..” etc. etc. etc. What was it about the piece specifically? What constructive criticism can you provide?
If you would like to see an example of some great articles written about Kennedy Happenings, please visit the high school’s website and click on THE TORCH or any of the recent School Newsletters (both can be found on the right hand side of Kennedy’s web page.)
Be sure to include information about the show. How many year's has this show been going on? Who is responsible for set up? clean up? Which classes or students create work for the show? What interesting facts or information can you provide for someone who wasn't there? Make your audience feel as if your article brought the show to them.

Completed article DUE Friday May 24th 2013
SAVE AS LAST_FIRST_ArtShow in MAJOR folder. You may email article if you are absent.

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