Monday, March 25, 2013

Assignment: Artist Inspirations

Artist Inspirations

Today, you are going to do some research concerning art history. It is important to familiarize yourself with current and modern artists so that you can build a portfolio of your own. On your blog, I would like you to post images of artists that inspire you. Label the post Artistic Inspirations. Find AT LEAST 5 artists that inspire you through technique, subject matter, concept, materials. If you would like to use more then 5, please do. You do not have to use photographers, you may be inspired by ANY VISUAL artist. You will need to post an image of each artist and write 1 sentence underneath about why you choose them in your blog. Please list the titles of the work along with the artist that you are posting USING A CAPTION. This Blog Post will  be Due Wednesday at the end of class- remember, there is no reason you cannot post from home. See some of my many, many inspirations below.


SEE MY EXAMPLE BELOW: (but YOU must have at least FIVE)

PUDDLE, M.C. Escher
Many of you know M.C. Escher only for his mathematical prints, but in fact he made much more wonderful art during his lifetime. How could you not love his incredible work?

Dovima with Elephant, 1955 Richard Avedon

Fashion photographer of vibrant cool and a fantastic creator of portraits. Richard Avedon is today considered one of the greatest photographers of the USA. It is impossible to write the history of photography without him.

from Twilight © Gregory Crewdson

NY based Gregory Crewdson is one of the most well-known and influential photographers working in the US today.His dramatic and moody imagery recalls surrealistic scene of Americana. love his work!

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