Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Assignment: My Life

JOURNAL: MY LIFE Due Thursday 2.14.13
Your first JOURNAL assignment, that you will take an image of yourself in your element. Find a place that describes your place, where you feel most comfortable. Create an image (a photograph) that is staged in such a way that the viewer can learn something about you just by looking at it. Much like the American Express Ad's we viewed in class.
See designate folder PHOTO ASSIGNMENTS-->MY LIFE  for examples as well as the written portion.

To get full credit for assignment you must:

1. POST image on your blog, including text (answered questions)
2. PRINT and place in your binder or journal that you are using for this class.

Re-type questions onto Word and answer them according to YOU. See below for my final Journal entry example and over the weekend you will be photographing your own!

When you POST your assignment to your blog title it: MY LIFE. This must be printed by Friday Feb.15th, and posted to your blog either from class or from home. (USE Homenet instructions to access any work done in class from home) 
SAVE AS:    LastName_FirstName_MyLife   in MINOR folder

If you would like to see examples of this assignment's final look, click on Kerry or Millena 

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