Photo Challenge

What is exactly is photo-a-day you say?
Every other month I share with you a photo prompt or suggestions for each day of the month. You play along by taking a picture of your interpretation of the prompt. You will be asked to compile these at the end of every challenge for a grade.

How do I play along?
Keep taking photographs, for example, of the prompt on Tuesday is “I miss…” spend the day taking photographs of people, places and things that remind you of the thing or person you miss the most. It only takes a photo a day, but I’m sure you’ll be doing more shooting than that!

What if you forget a day…or 2…or 20?
Not a big deal really! Just start up again.  You can play catch up, or just start again. No one will know…  Heck…I’m a photographer and plenty of days can go by where I don’t snap a single picture. Have fun with this assignment, there are no wrong answers! The point is to get you to record your everyday moments. To capture a small snapshot of your day.

But remember…The Photo Challenge is for a grade so keep it school appropriate!

Ready?! Start snapping!

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