Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Assignment: Alphabet Art

For your photography assignment, you will be experimenting with what we'll refer to as "Alphabet Art". Using photography, you'll be responsible for spelling out a word of your choice using black and white images. Please photograph in color and we will learn as a class how to properly convert to grayscale so as to achieve proper contrast.

Below, you'll find an example of alphabet art spelling out a word. Can you see the letters?

  1. Choose a word, at least five letters long, and cannot be the same as any other student in the class
  2. Start photographing, take more then 1 picture for a given letter as you may find something better later in the week. Look high and wide to find your letters, they can be in the most unique places. Try your best to find natural letter forms and not have to "spell it out" yourself using found objects.
  3. Take COLOR images
  4. Upload images by Thursday Monday, June 3rd and we will, as a class, talk about color conversion.
  5. SAVE EACH IMAGE separately in a folder titled Letters, in Major assignments, no larger then 8.5x11 
  6. For POST credit, place each image on panoramic canvas much like the one above, using a black or white background color. Post to blog by Thursday June 6th, titled "Alphabet Art". Keep in mind, if you are missing class due to senior activities you are still responsible for this assignment, DO IT AHEAD OF TIME!
  7. Also place a saved version of your flattened, full word in 'letters' folder as a final image.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

What is a watermark?

Your Assignment: Create a Watermark, save it on a transparent layer so you can use it again, as well as pasting it to one fo your photos. POST your watermarked photo on your blog. Henil (block 1) will be available to assist you if you  do not know what a transparent layer is or cannot follow the tutorial, but TRY first before asking him. Here is Example 1 of how I use watermarks as well as a second Example 2.
Question: What is a watermark? How can I add a watermark to my photos?
Adding a visible watermark is a common way of identifying images and protecting them from unauthorized use online. Today, you're going to create an effective watermark and apply it to your digital photos or art work.
Answer: A watermark is a visible embedded overlay on a digital photo consisting of text, a logo, or a copyright notice. The purpose of a watermark is to identify the work and discourage its unauthorized use. Though a visible watermark can't prevent unauthorized use, it makes it more difficult for those who may want to claim someone else's photo or art work as their own.

Tips for Effective Watermarking

If you are going to use a watermark, care should be taken to ensure that the watermark is effective, not only for proving that an image was modified, but also for educating the would-be pirates about copyright and ownership. Ideally, the watermark should be a copyright symbol along with the name of the owner, and the URL of the owner's web site, if applicable. This not only conveys the message of copyright, but it gives others an opportunity to contact the original owner of the image. Watermark placement can be a bit of a balancing act. The watermark should be placed carefully so as not to detract from the image too much, but you also don't want to place the watermark in a area of solid color or a textured area where removal would be easy to conceal. The example on this page was designed to show an extreme example of watermarking and would be is far too distracting for a portfolio photograph. In practice, the watermark should make up a smaller percentage of the overall image area compared to this example.

How to Watermark Your Photos

So now that we've discussed what a watermark is and how to make them effective, you may be wondering how to put a watermark in your images. There are many methods for watermarking photos. We'll use Photoshop for today's purposes. Please open the program and open the tutorial in your Photoshop folder.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Art Show: Article

Now that you will experience first-hand what it takes to put on a successful art show. You are to write an article about your experiences. Your article should be at least 5 paragraphs in length, using Microsoft Word, utilizing columns as if it were a real newspaper article. Include a title, author's name, and captioned pictures. You MUST also comment on your favorite piece or artist in the show, include a photograph of their work, and any information you’ve got about the piece or their process, which means, you’ll have to talk to someone at the show. Get a quote from the artist and critique their work in your article. You must critique a piece, ANY WORK OF ART. In order to do a proper critique you must know the Name, Grade, Medium, and Title of the artwork. For example “ Eleventh grader John Smith’s interpretation of the cast from Dark Knight showed amazingly in a dark and ominous watercolor painting that hung over the entrance to the art show…..” etc. etc. etc. What was it about the piece specifically? What constructive criticism can you provide?
If you would like to see an example of some great articles written about Kennedy Happenings, please visit the high school’s website and click on THE TORCH or any of the recent School Newsletters (both can be found on the right hand side of Kennedy’s web page.)
Be sure to include information about the show. How many year's has this show been going on? Who is responsible for set up? clean up? Which classes or students create work for the show? What interesting facts or information can you provide for someone who wasn't there? Make your audience feel as if your article brought the show to them.

Completed article DUE Friday May 24th 2013
SAVE AS LAST_FIRST_ArtShow in MAJOR folder. You may email article if you are absent.

Monday, May 20, 2013


Where: 200 Washington Ave. Iselin, NJ 08830 (JFK of course!)
When: 6:30 pm
How Much: Admission is free, however if you'd like to stay for the spring concert there is a small fee

This year's art show is sure to be a success, including pieces from students from 2012-2013 Intro to Visual Art, 2D, 3D, Digital Photography, Art major and Advanced Placement Art classes. Show starts at 6:30pm! Hope to see you all there with your parents this evening!

As we are setting up and attending the art show over the next few days, please be taking notes and pictures for an assignment you will have following the show.  

Friday, May 10, 2013

Dyptich Shooting Schedule

You will need to be prepared (Props, Models, Idea) on the day you are scheduled to shoot, however, if you are scheduled the next day, it may be possible to fit you in on the previous day so keep in mind the sooner you get your images shot, the more time you will have to edit.

Block 1: Monday May 13, 2013

Tuesday May 14, 2013

Wednesday May 15, 2013

Thursday May 16, 2013

. If you are absent and miss your day, you may shoot at home, on your own.

Block 4: Monday May 13, 2013

Tuesday May 14, 2013

Wednesday May 15, 2013

Thursday May 16, 2013

If you are absent and miss your day, you may shoot at home, on your own.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Luiz Maurina, Dyptich "The Fighter" 2011
Thumbnail Drawings of your IDEA & model names DUE:  Thursday 5.9.13
In-Class Photography Dates: Monday 5.13, Tuesday 5.14, Wednesday 5.15 & Thursday 5.16
IMAGES DUE: Friday May 17th 2013
Image from Richard Vantielicke Series

1. Read the artist statement & View the work of artist Richard Vantielcke below in your Major Assignments folder, or click on link - interactive images by Richard Vantielicke
Image from Richard Vantielicke Series
On Monday, May 13, you will be introduced to lighting studio techniques. Start formulating an idea, and choose your model or models. It does not have to be someone from our class. It can also be someone who has an elective this block. However, you may not pull people out of an academic class. You will have Monday 5.13.11- Thursday 5.16.13 to shoot this assignment. If you are absent and miss your day, you will still be responsible for the shoot, but not have the benefit of studio lighting. You will have to set up your own makeshift studio at home, with a sheet and a window for light. The specific days will be assigned, see assignment for shooting day hanging up in class.
A final diptych series (4 shots total, 2 pairs) in which one half of the diptych “interacts” with the other either by theme, movement, message or concept.DUE: Friday May 17th 2013 Save as Last_First_Dyptich1, Dyptich2, etc. in MAJOR folder.
Dave Kimelberg is a Boston-based photographer, lawyer and general creative-type photographing tatooed professionals proving, at the very least, you should not judge a book by it's cover.
Shubani Singh, Dyptich 2011

Elisa Sapolinick, Dyptich 2011