Thursday, March 28, 2013


Sharing a few photographs of my photographers in training from last week! Even though it was cold, you got some amazing pictures, remember that today! Have a happy, safe and healthy Spring Break, remember to shoot your Journal pictures over your time off...
Block 1, Merill Park, Iselin NJ

Block 4, Merill Park, Iselin, NJ

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring Break

PHOTOS uploaded and Written portions DUE: Thursday April 4th (The Thursday we return from Spring Break
Over break, You will be responsible for creating the images and written descriptions to create a digital photo journal. As always, the project has been outlined below.

 “How do I do that?” you ask..
1. Over the course of the weekend and 4 days off, document your thoughts and feelings about particular people, places, and events you visit or encounter. Not only must you photograph these people, places or things, but you must keep a written journal about what you experience during this time.  
2. Choose a theme, for example "all the food I ate" or "all the people I encountered" etc. Your theme may not become apparent until after you've shot for a few days, so shoot EVERYTHING, from your sports practice, your vacation, family time, etc.

3. When you return from Spring Break, we will view your journals and upload your pictures and you will make a digital version of the hand written example above.. (Details about what will be done IN CLASS will follow) The final project will be a digital photography book.

“So how do I start?” You ask..
Start SHOOTING and WRITING.. as soon as you leave school this Thursday.. the more you document, the more material you will have for your digital journal. Do not save this assignment for the weekend before you return to school, your lack of effort will be obvious and your grade will reflect it.

“What are the specifics?” you ask..
You must have AT LEAST 50 photographs (that’s less then 10 a day for those of you breaking it down). And for each photo, a detailed description of your thoughts, feelings, or surroundings at the time the picture was taken. You might not use all the photos in your final compilation, but you will need to have them on Thursday, when we return to school, for full credit. 


Monday, March 25, 2013

Assignment: Artist Inspirations

Artist Inspirations

Today, you are going to do some research concerning art history. It is important to familiarize yourself with current and modern artists so that you can build a portfolio of your own. On your blog, I would like you to post images of artists that inspire you. Label the post Artistic Inspirations. Find AT LEAST 5 artists that inspire you through technique, subject matter, concept, materials. If you would like to use more then 5, please do. You do not have to use photographers, you may be inspired by ANY VISUAL artist. You will need to post an image of each artist and write 1 sentence underneath about why you choose them in your blog. Please list the titles of the work along with the artist that you are posting USING A CAPTION. This Blog Post will  be Due Wednesday at the end of class- remember, there is no reason you cannot post from home. See some of my many, many inspirations below.


SEE MY EXAMPLE BELOW: (but YOU must have at least FIVE)

PUDDLE, M.C. Escher
Many of you know M.C. Escher only for his mathematical prints, but in fact he made much more wonderful art during his lifetime. How could you not love his incredible work?

Dovima with Elephant, 1955 Richard Avedon

Fashion photographer of vibrant cool and a fantastic creator of portraits. Richard Avedon is today considered one of the greatest photographers of the USA. It is impossible to write the history of photography without him.

from Twilight © Gregory Crewdson

NY based Gregory Crewdson is one of the most well-known and influential photographers working in the US today.His dramatic and moody imagery recalls surrealistic scene of Americana. love his work!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Photo Walk II

For today's (chilly!) photo walk, you are to focus on DEPTH OF FIELD. Please review what depth of field is from your very first assignment PowerPoint, and see the images below. You'll most likely want to use your macro setting and get in close, but it is certainly not the only way. Spend today's walk looking around, see the world a little differently! You will POST your images when we return to class (can also be done from home this evening).


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Assignment: ReCreate Childhood Photos

Photo Post Challenge

Similar to our challenge in which you had to post a photo of yourself reflected in another surface, you are to re-create a childhood photo. Take some time to look through old photos, and choose one you'd like to re-create. Try and use the same people, wear similar clothing, same style hair, revisit the same place, etc.  the more similar the better. If you do not have any old photos, you may use someone else's, but the more personal the photo is the more successful your final product will be. 

POST both the old and new photo by end of class Tuesday 3.26.13


Monday, March 18, 2013

Leonard Lance Art Competition

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Dear Students,
I am pleased to announce the 2013 Congressional Art Competition. This annual competition is open to all high school students who reside in New Jersey’s Seventh Congressional District.
The Congressional Art Competition is an excellent opportunity for the talented young artists of New Jersey’s Seventh Congressional district to demonstrate their creative talents and dedication to the Nation. Each year, I am impressed by the artistic abilities that the competition  showcases, so I encourage all aspiring young artists to enter this year’s competition.
The art contest is free and open to all high school students’ grades 9 through 12 and who reside in the Seventh Congressional District of New Jersey. All artwork must be original in concept, design and execution. 
All artwork must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, April 10, 2013 to one of my two district offices: 425 North Avenue East, Westfield, New Jersey 07090 or 361 Route 31, Suite 1400, Flemington, New Jersey, 08822.
For guidelines and entry information students can visit: 
Interested students are encouraged to contact Whitt Hance in my Flemington office for further details at 908-788-6900 or 
Please feel free to forward this information to interested students. 
Best personal wishes,

Leonard Lance
Member of Congress

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Friday, March 15, 2013


Photowalking is the act of walking with a camera for the main purpose of taking pictures of things that the photographer may find interesting.
It is often a communal activity organised by camera clubs, online forums or commercial organizations, sometimes in the form of a walking tour. Often the aim is to practice and improve one's own photography skills rather than a specific focus on documentary photography.

While related to street photography, photowalking is differentiated by its impetus to photograph things of interest rather than people specifically. As with any walking that may go a few miles or kilometers, photowalking can also promote physical fitness.

There will not be a specific objective for this walk, but you will have to POST your favorite photograph from the walk when we return to class. You may edit in Photoshop if needed.
Be creative! Be interesting! Be funny! Be leading lines! Be rule of thirds!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Assignment: Self Reflection

Photo Post Challenge

Weekend Project:
Using what you have learned about composition, lighting and backgrounds when shooting portraits, create a portrait that is a reflection of yourself.
Portrait Photography: Self Reflection.
Create a self reflection portrait: DUE Monday 3.18.13

1. The photo that you use for this assignment MUST be an original of yours, one that you took with a digital camera this semester.

2. Your image must be a portrait of yourself reflected in something.

3. Do NOT take a picture of you in a mirror, we have seen way too many of these already. Try for the most amazing, creative, compositionally dynamic image I have ever seen.

4. Upload your image in your personal photos folder on Monday
3.18.13, and POST the image to your blog titled Self Reflection. We will VOTE on the most creative one! Prizes are involved.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Assignment: David Hockney Inspired Collage

You will begin today by reading Project #2:  David Hockney Collage in your Major Assignments folder, on G: Drive.

Between today and over the weekend, your assignment is to photograph for the following:
Objective: Create a TWO photos in the style of artist David Hockney (It is important to read the document above for the instructions) If you are not in school today, email me and I will attempt to explain in as much detail as possible.
You will need to bring in your photographs for this assignment Monday March 18th 2013

Hockney, Photo Montage
Here’s what you need to do…. 1. Watch the presentation on artist David Hockney, go on the Internet and find his work. Really get to know his work. How does he do it? What stories does he tell? What angles/perspectives does he use in his work? 

2. Decide what the subject matter of your collage will be. You will have to shoot 1 portrait (of anyone) and 1 your choice: Landscape, a certain room??? TOTALLY TWO PHOTOGRAPHS

3. Start shooting. Take LOTS of pictures! - these are digital photos so you've got nothing to lose, the more the better. Stand in the same place, get up close, back up, think about your angles, your perspectives. What story will you tell? 

4. The more images you have to work with for this collage the better off you will be. You will layer the images to create your collage.

5. Create your collage in Macromedia Fireworks following the tutorial given in class. Create a large background canvas to work on. (directions to follow) 
6. Save your final collage with your name as the title in the folder labeled Photo Assignments in our student assignment submit folder. Ex: Smith_Joe_HOCKNEY1

7. Don't forget to SAVE A SMALLER VERSION & POST your assignment onto your blog as well titled "David Hockney Inspired Collage". You need to also add an artist statement. *Step by step by step directions and assignment Rubric can be found in your ASSIGNMENTS folder

Cassandra Siena, 2011

Grading Criteria
_____ 10 Points Ready for Project on Monday 3.18.13: gathered images and uploaded to class computer.
_____ 10 Points Drawing in journal with labeled ideas
_____ 50 Points 1-13x19”, 300 Res ready print on due date
_____ 20 Points Aesthetic considerations

_____ 10 Points POST Project to Blog            
    Total: 100 Points

Summerlyn Astrom, 2011

Help Eco-Friendly Club Clean Up the World!

Students! Could you please help the Eco-Friendly club by  visiting and sign the petition to clean up exit 131?  Thanks in advance to the best students in the best high school in the best district in the best state in the best country in the best world :)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Assignment: Partner Project

BOTH POSTS ARE DUE March 13th 2013

"Spit Ball"                        Arnold Guiteirez  2011

Partner Portrait

Working with one-two partners, you will use 1 class block to photograph one another. You will each be responsible for submitting your own photo for a blog POST, these should be two very separate ideas, you are only working as partners to get your photo taken. If you would like to shoot outside school, you of course can do so on your own time.

"Bully"                              Luiz 2011
1. Plan image. Photograph according to plan.
2. EDIT image in Photoshop.
3. SAVE AS Last_First_PartnerPortrait in Major Photo Assignments Folder
5. Include in this post, a few sentences about your process.

2nd Post:

Where I'd Rather Be
For this post, you will be manipulating multiple images to create a scene or place or situation where you’d rather be. You must use scanned or internet images (if they are good enough resolution) but the photo or yourself MUST BE RECENT AND TAKEN THIS SEMESTER BY YOU.

"I'd Rather Be in Boot Camp"                           Kuzma, 2011  
You may work with a partner during class to get the photographs taken.Remember! Using a solid background will make it easier to extract figures from the photo to insert into another. 

1. Plan image. Photograph according to plan, or use an image you have if it’s appropriate.
2. EDIT image in Photoshop.
3. SAVE AS Last_First_RatherBe in Photo Major Assignments Folder
4. POST, title post as I’d Rather Be
5. Include in this post, a few sentences about your process.

"I'd Rather Be with Aston"        Astrom, 2011

Examples can also be seen in 
on the G: Drive

Friday, March 1, 2013

Assignment: 30 Day Photo Challenge

What do you do with all these photographs you've taken? Create a collage of course! See the examples below for lots of ideas and inspirations! How will you organize or DISorganize your images?! Will you incorporate text? Highlight your favorite photos? Have fun with it!

Rooty Hill Street Art Collage

Flatten and post final collage on blog titled: February in 30 Days. As always, include a caption of your choosing and a few sentences about the piece.